Humans of TMA: Orion Salters

Humans of TMA is a content series in partnership with Discover_TMA that showcases the diverse, interesting, and creative people that make up The Marketing Arm.
Let’s get to know Orion…
What’s your guilty pleasure? Scouring through the depths of SoundCloud trying to find the next big hit. I’ve been known to make a good playlist.
What’s your hobby or passion project outside of TMA? Helping concept music video ideas for artists.
What’s your favorite way to unwind after a busy day? Turn on some anime and make sure my Oreos and milk are by my side.
What led you to this career/industry? I wanted to be in business, but finance was too much math. I interned at TMA for about a month during my junior year of college and realized that marketing is definitely the place for me. After college, I was a part of the Gateway to Greatness program, working in the Dallas office. When the program ended, I was hired onto the Entertainment team full-time and moved out to LA to work at Hideaway.
What three words would your closest friends use to describe you? Trustworthy, Hilarious, Laid Back
What’s the best advice you were ever given? “You get what you want when you poppin’.” – Future
What’s a trip that changed you and why? My first trip to LA earlier this year. Spending a week exploring and getting to know the city made me realize this is the place for me and that I could see myself actually living and working out here. Being born and raised in Dallas, this was a big move. But, I can say I definitely made the right choice.
What trend do you hope makes a comeback? RAZR flip phones. Never had one, but always wanted one.
If you could trade places for a day who would you choose and why? Jay-Z. Y’all should know why.
Favorite form of live entertainment? Any form of live music I’m always down for.
What are you watching? Demon Slayer
What are you ignoring? Trader Joe’s. I don’t understand the hype.
What are you reading? The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle
Who are you following? Cristiano Ronaldo
What are you listening to? Anything by DaBaby

Orion Salters is a Showroom Coordinator at Hideaway, TMA’s luxury lifestyle showroom. He graduated with a degree in marketing from Iowa State University where he played football and ran track.