Who’s Ready for Their Jazz Bath?

In a recent State Farm commercial featuring Jake from State Farm and Patrick Mahomes, the quarterback shares overly personal information about his post-game recovery methods. When the spot generated a lot of bubbly conversation, it was time to take this idea to the next level.
Watch the spot:
At the end of the ad, titled “Bath Bomb,” we are introduced a jazzy new character, Jeff The Equipment Manager, with his mullet and saxophone. Viewers took to social media to voice their approval and their need for a relaxing “Jazz Bath” of their own:
So, State Farm and TMA came up with an idea to extend the excitement by producing a special CD –– “Jazz Bath: The Bath Bomb Sessions” –– which was available to consumers for free at myjazzbath.com (and they quickly ran out!). The album includes six original songs which are currently streaming on Spotify. There’s even a retro infomercial to help promote the album, complete with a Jazz Bath Hotline: 1-866-JAZZ-BATH.
Take a closer look:
And listen here:
TMA created the video and worked with a team of acclaimed musicians to compose and produce the songs.
Congrats to State Farm for capitalizing on a moment to create cultural resonance!
Yessian – Music
Gerard Smerek – Global Creative Director, Producer, and Mixer
Chris Plansker – Composer
Michael Yessian – Head of Production
Brian Yessian – CCO